How memories help us connect with nature

How memories help us connect with nature

My oldest great niece, who’s six, was delighted with the children’s microscope I gave her for Christmas; we talked about all the things she could look at.

‘Do you remember when we looked at the beautiful lichens in Granny and Granddad’s garden last summer?’ I asked.

Her answer made my heart swell…………

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Squirrel Antics

Squirrel Antics

I suspect a lot of you are watchers, and probably feeders, of the visitors to your garden. One of the favourite guests to our feeding stations are grey squirrels. Yes, they can do a lot of damage; we continually need to replace our peanut dispensers, and rescue tulip bulbs,  but what fun they are to watch! If I'm feeling a bit low on a gloomy day, these characters never fail to cheer me up with their wonderful games and acrobatics.

Who needs a sports channel for entertainment? ' The Squirrel Games' are much more exciting - and there are no adverts!

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